Frozen Malabar Spinach (Pui Shak)

Frozen Malabar Spinach (Pui Shak)
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Pui Shak, also known as Malabar Spinach or Basella, is a leafy green vegetable that is popular in various cuisines, especially in South and Southeast Asia. It is native to the Indian subcontinent and is widely cultivated for its edible leaves and tender stems.

Pui Shak has thick, fleshy leaves that are usually green in color, although there are also varieties with red or purple leaves. The leaves have a mild flavor and a slightly mucilaginous texture when cooked. Young leaves and tender shoots are commonly used in cooking, while older leaves can be tough and fibrous.

In terms of nutritional value, Pui Shak is a good source of vitamins A, C, and E, as well as iron, calcium, and dietary fiber. It is also low in calories, making it a healthy choice for those looking to maintain a balanced diet.

Pui Shak can be prepared in various ways, including stir-frying, sautéing, or adding it to soups and stews. It is often used in curries, mixed vegetable dishes, and as an ingredient in traditional recipes. Some popular preparations include Pui Shak Bhaja (stir-fried Pui Shak), Pui Shak Chorchori (a mixed vegetable dish), and Pui Shak Paturi (Pui Shak wrapped in banana leaves and steamed).

Overall, Pui Shak is a versatile and nutritious leafy green vegetable that adds flavor and texture to a variety of dishes.


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