Tropic Punjabi Wadi 300g (Buy 3 get 1 Free)

Punjabi Wadi
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"Punjabi Wadi" typically refers to a traditional Punjabi dish known as "Wadiyan" or "Wadi." Wadi is essentially sun-dried spiced lentil dumplings or cakes. It is a popular ingredient in Punjabi cuisine and is used to add flavor and texture to various dishes.

The process of making Punjabi Wadi involves soaking urad dal (black gram lentils) and spices, then forming them into small dumplings or cakes. These are left to dry in the sun until they become hard and dense. The dried Wadi can be stored for an extended period and used later in cooking.

In recipes, Punjabi Wadi is often used in curries, dals (lentil dishes), and vegetable preparations to enhance the flavor of the dish. It adds a unique taste and texture, as the dried lentil cakes absorb the flavors of the surrounding ingredients during cooking.

If you're interested in trying Punjabi Wadi, you can find it at Indian grocery stores or prepare it at home using traditional recipes.


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